With my new blog having a real focus on wellbeing in your home, I wanted to create a mini series that gives you five easy ways to introduce some self care into each room in the house. It could be as simple as swapping out your hand soap set and treating yourself to some hand lotion whenever you wash your hands - because how many of us buy them both and the soap bottle is empty a good few months before the lotion! But taking that little bit of extra time, could make a huge difference to your sense of wellness and bonus, if you invest in a natural product with essential oils that lift your mood or help you unwind, you'll be able to feel the benefits from your mini hand treatment throughout the day too.

So I thought I'd start with the bathroom, a room you visit every day so what better place to have a little 'you-time'. Here are my top five suggestions for an instant wellbeing boost...
1. Upgrade your towels
Whether you shower or bathe in the morning or the evening, the towel you wrap yourself up in afterwards can either simply serve a purpose or make you feel like you're cocooned in luxury. I know which I'd rather!
Unfortunately for a lot of us, the bathroom project has been on the to-do list for a few years now, so we just quickly purchased some 'these-will-do' towels or even better, hand-me-downs! And we'll treat ourselves to the towels we've been swooning over when the bathroom is finally done because I'm not sure what my colour scheme will be yet or I don't want them to get ruined so I'll wait until everything is finished.
Well here I am, your enabler, to tell you not to wait because those few minutes in your day could be just what you need to be able to bring your best self to the party! And they don't have to blow the bank either - it could be your lucky day on your next TKMaxx or Home Sense trip and you manage to get your hands on a super soft, possibly designer label towel set. Or why not head to Bicester VIllage and splurge on some White Company bath towels for a fraction of their usual price.
All I would say is go for a neutral, it could be white, an off white or beige, or mix it up with white bath sheets and grey hand towels - especially if you use any tanning products! And that way, when the time comes for your new gorgeous bathroom, chances are your new towels will fit in perfectly.
2. Fill the room with fragrance
These days there are so many reed diffusers on the market, it's hard to recommend just a few however one thing I've found is fragrance is a very personal thing so if you find a candle or scent somewhere that you absolutely love, see if there's a reed diffuser version!

We have a bit of a running joke in my house about the Apricot Blossom scent from Next Home as every single time I get close to the diffuser, I have to comment on how lovely a fragrance it is! It probably isn't for everyone but honestly, if you haven't smelt it before and you happen to be in a Next some time soon, give it a little sniff. It makes me feel so happy, and that is really what this section is about.
Find a fragrance that makes you feel relaxed or uplifted and fill your bathroom with it. Another top tip is to dot some essential oil on the inside of your toilet roll, and every time it turns you'll get a hit of it. A favourite of mine is Lemongrass but you could try Lavender or even a Neom Essential Oil Blend.
3. Take care of your hands & the planet!
One thing that I love about L'Occitane is their refills, so once you have the bottle you can just buy the 'Eco-Recharge-Refill' bags and reduce your single use plastics! They also have a recycling service in some of their stores. On top of that, obviously their fragrances are pretty wonderful and their carefully selected ingredients will leave your skin feeling better than ever.
So, as I mentioned earlier, spending a little while longer treating yourself to some hand cream after washing your hands could see some real benefits. Hand massage or reflexology has been found to reduce headaches, back & shoulder pain, allergies and sinus issues so give yourself a good hand rub and see if it helps in any way. It might be worth creating a new habit, you never know.
4. Something 'living'
A well known styling tip if you're creating a display on a console or shelf, is to include something living. This could be something obvious like a house plant, or flower arrangement but it also includes a lit candle, as the moving flame and warmth adds a different dimension. Not only should this help as a styling idea, but more importantly it can have great psychological benefits as well. Even better if you get your hands on a scented candle like this one I was kindly gifted for Christmas.
Of course adding some greenery is a great way to breathe life into your bathroom, and give you a boost at the same time. Online initiative thejoyofplants.co.uk have a fantastic article about taking care of your plants and which houseplants are best for a botanical bathroom!
And if you're anything like me, and prefer the low maintenance kind you can always go for a faux plant. I don't think I've finished a design project yet where I haven't recommended Hudson Home for their faux eucalyptus stems, and their selection of potted plants. Absolutely love them. And if you enter WELCOME10 at the checkout you can get 10% off!
5. For when you're away
And last but not least, I have a little tip for when you happen to be away from your bathroom for a night or more. This tip that I've been using for several years means that packing your toiletries will take a fraction of the time you're used to, but also wherever you're staying you'll still have a little something special to make you smile.
Grace Gordon is the queen of beautiful interiors and accessories, and her Natural Linen Pouch would make the perfect travel bag. The linen material is spot on because the texture of a natural fibre will make you feel far calmer than a man made product would. It obviously doesn't have to be this particular pouch (although Grace has kindly offered readers 10% off if you enter the code ILOVEGG at checkout), but find one you love and when you go away it'll add a little personal touch to your temporary bathroom space.
And now for my tip... (spoiler: it's not ground breaking but if you haven't heard it before, it may come in handy!) A colleague gave me this hack a few years ago and it's as simple as putting together a small pouch of miniature toiletries, everything you would need for a weekend away including a battery powered toothbrush, skincare, reusable cotton pads, haircare and contact lenses if you wear them. That way, when you go away you can just grab the pouch and be sure you've got what you need (just make sure you restock when you get home so it's ready to go again!). Introducing elements of organisation and clarity into your home can have huge positive effects, and if nothing else, it's can't be a bad thing making things easier for yourself after all.
And there you have it. I'd love to know in the comments what your favourite self care moments are in your own bathroom or if you'll be trying any of these out this year? And which room would you like to see next in the series? Let me know!
Thanks so much for reading,
Jess x