Thanks so much for stopping by! I asked over on my Instagram & you answered, so here is a full shopping list of all the items in my en-suite bathroom, if you'd like to recreate a similar look! That also means in the next few weeks I'll be sharing some more tips on how to make your bathroom more relaxing - so stay tuned if you voted for that one!
Some items that I bought a while ago, I have tried to find something similar for you, but if there's anything you've spotted that I haven't mentioned please just get in touch!
I hope that's been helpful or given you some new places to check out, if you have a bathroom project on the horizon!
Bathrooms are definitely one of my favourite rooms in the house to design, you can have so much fun with tiles or like in my case, find a shower head with a lightbulb in the center!
If you have any bathroom dilemmas or questions, feel free to leave a comment below or drop me a message on
Have a wonderful day! Jess x